Four Practical Reconstructive Techniques Using the Transantral Approach to the Orbital Floor Without the Need for an Endoscope.

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Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


Fractures of the orbital floor have traditionally been treated through transorbital approaches. Transconjunctival approaches risk entropion, whereas transcutaneous approaches risk ectropion or hypertrophic scarring. The intraoral transantral approach to the orbital floor has the advantage of minimizing the risk of any eyelid changes while providing appropriate access to reduce the herniated orbital contents and restore orbital volume. This article describes 4 plating methods for reconstructing a fractured orbital floor using a transantral approach. Many prior descriptions of transantral treatment of the orbital floor have relied heavily on the use of an endoscope. This article describes an osteotomy technique that does not require an endoscope but requires only a high-quality headlight for visualization.


